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Learning in the new science room
Rosemary and Cath meet the children
Annual Day
The computer room
Class 4
The new microscope
The new microscope
Learning in the new science room
Learning in the new science room
The new science equipment
The new science equipment
Our visitors at the school
Farewell day for the oldest students
Michael, Maureen and Balkrishna
All Nepali schools had to be painted this colour
The Library
Look at the size of those rucksacks!
So proud in their new uniforms
Handing out the uniform
The uniform pile ready for distribution
Enjoying celebrating together
Celebrating with song and dance
Nursery class showing off their new P.E. kit
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Day trip to Banbatika Park
Students hard at work
Studying hard in class
Students celebrating on Christmas day 2019