This time last year, the whole world was still in the terrifying grip of the Covid-19 pandemic BUT the first non-trialvaccine had just been given and hope was on the horizon. The vaccines have certainly transformed life, people have been able to return to socialising, work and school, etc. So, 2021 has seemed more ‘normal’ than 2020! (although, as we know only too well, omicron is threatening to unsettle all this a bit). So, what of our friends in rural Nepal?
They have also seen big changes this year. They have had numerous lockdowns to deal with but they too have seen a return to some level of normality. During lockdowns, the teachers taught the older children online (90% of them managed access to a computer or mobile phone) but taught the younger children outside their own homes. Some lessons took place socially distanced outside, whilst others went ahead in the classrooms. Whatever methods they used, they worked – once again, Shree Gyanjyoti topped the schools in their municipality in the exams. Testament tothe dedication of staff, students and their families.

It has been a struggle for many in the village. Jobs were lost and other sources of income were drying up. We made an appeal to our supporters for separate donations (every penny donated to LEARN goes directly to the school itself) so that we could help Devi Prasad to feed people in the village who would, otherwise, have gone hungry – people in the village not directly connected with the school but in dire need. The school and the education provided is an incredible resource for the village but the care goes way beyond its walls and we thank you.
Devi Prasad’s latest update, in terms of vaccines, informed us that their Government were vaccinating all over 40 years plus year 12 students. At that time, none of our students had been vaccinated but he was hoping that it wouldn’t be too long before they were. We did ask whether it would be possible for us to buy some vaccines but the Nepali government would not allow purchase of vaccines.

Letters continue to be exchanged between St. Mary’s in Hawkshaw and our school in Nepal. This has been so wonderful for both schools. The children in both countries look forward to sending and receiving letters. It is such a great link between children in very different circumstances!

Once again, this year has been a very difficult year for Charities. Michael and Maureen have recently been able to travel and give some talks and sales, but opportunities continue to be very limited. We remain massively grateful to all who support the work of LEARN. Your generosity continues to ensure that ALL children in this little village in Nepal haveaccess to a fantastic education and, therefore, a better future. Never underestimate the difference that your support makes. THANK YOU on behalf of students, their families, staff, LEARN and all those in the village that we have been ableto help.
It always feels uncomfortable thanking people for their generous support and then going on to ask for more. However,we believe so much in all that LEARN does that we need to continue to meet the needs of the school. We are genuinely hugely grateful for all that our supporters do.
However, if you feel able to offer further support:
1. The ‘Gifts for Life’ Certificates make wonderful Christmas presents and were well received by many last year.
2. Donations can be given at any time.
3. Consider setting up a standing order
4. Tell other people about us
5. Invite Michael and Maureen to do a talk and/or sale.
For information on how to do any of the above, visit our website: or email us