Good News in a Troubled World

When the world seems to be so troubled and the news brings constant sadness and despair for the terrible things going on in so many places, it was lovely to receive the latest email from Devi Prasad that was filled with good news.

He reported that Covid infection is currently not present in their region so everything is operating normally and people are able to go about their daily routines and work.  This is great news for the school as it is currently able to teach in the school, go about its normal activity as well as lots of extra-curricular activities and generally care for its staff and students in the best possible way without restrictions.  The students are, of course, delighted to be back in regular ‘in school teaching’. He was also able to report that the 39 students eligible for Covid vaccines had now had their second dose. 

The general education in the school continues to be delivered to an excellent standard by our highly motivated and dedicated staff but on top of this, their municipality had organised dance and quiz competitions in late February.  Our school entered this and were pleased to come second and third which they were really pleased with.  Its so good to see the school not only enjoying great academic success but also really encouraging the students to be involved in so many other non-academic activities.  It really works at developing the whole person, which is so important and so pleasing for us as trustees to see.

Devi Prasad was also able to tell us that the school had been given some money by their rural municipality for painting the building.  They have used the money to paint 3 classrooms, 16 front and side windows and 14 doors!  It is great that they received the money as it shows recognition by the municipality and also good that they keep the premises in such good order as that is often not a priority in Nepal! 

It is almost the end of the academic year in Nepal and once again, we are delighted with the progress and achievements that our staff and students are so committed to working towards.  However, none of this would be possible if it were not for our fantastic supporters.  


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